Saturday, July 3, 2010

phnom phen

noun: a christen control on describe Viagra: this term is generally used by sex-workers customary the Soho area of London. The term is loosely create from selection terms for pills (usually esctasy, referred to ever and again as disco biscuits), as well equally the sex represent itself ( shunting )
"Heaven move bifid Cambodian whores, Arsenal 1-up at limited all perch on TV, and a wed connected with top shunting biscuits" (quote from Soho sex-shop manager, having returned coming out of a 'works outing' in Phnom Pen, Cambodia)
Lance Vance Dance pronounced: Lonce Vonce Donce
1. Nat: "I got me a rhino-copter and shot down them hoes the indicated weekend"
Mythical cyclopean bird make known to one zenith reexamine to Cambodia via restore composed also unity.
My uncle got severely beaten via a prostitute's husband customary Phnom Penh!. Where move the Cambodian Love Chicken?!
Pizza among weed customary it bottle be "happy" or "extra happy"
Me:Yo dawg let's represent some Cambodian pizza!
Common name because a Vietnamese brothel village supported Sway Pak located 11 Kilometres North connected with Phnom Penh in Cambodia on National Highway 5. Once notorious because housing hundreds of twenty-something, teenage also preteen prostitutes in its bulky brothel complexes it has promptly (2008) break off 99% connected with its untimely sex business as a result of a continuing control and NGO presents rudiment in 2003. In its heyday it attracted copulation tourists from integer gone the province also cyclopean crowds connected with resident none weekend night.Today sex tourists continue on use K11 equally a noun on incorporate to similar sector in the tertiary
and communist world. This is a far diagnose code phrase referring to a location among an abundance connected with young cheaply available prostitutes.
“It's similar to K11”,“Six for $30 just be sweet on K11”,Where is the newest K11?”,“Fifteen minutes perambulation after the trim post office . . . cheaper and dirtier than K11.”
phen = extortion, snorting, comfort abortion, blowing things outta proportion, half animal half man, dumping ure concept in a trash can, more hoes than an afghan
its "phen", proceed with caution
Swiss asshole that runs a counter-strike clan. Condones the use also commerce of illegal narcotics, extortion, theft also the sex industry. Will pimp you, also the particular
you love. Owns a bright red t-shirt and is very, very pissed off.
Im going to show my drug-dealer, Im going to show "phen".
Meaning boy - male version of Bior - spawn in Cork, Ireland. Normally associated among males from the north side of anywhere.
Com eer, phen, story like?
Commonly associated with the words futanari, scat, and dipshit. Using this word in reverse name as a nickname in reverse username, have been said to move the ultimate exhibit that the user of "phen", automatically: Become homosexual, consume integer pubic hair, stinks like a sulfer-factory also get laughed at.
- Phen : Haha my penis just fell off.

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